Only the top 15 places in the class results generate championship points. 1st = 20pts 2nd = 17, 15, 13, 11,10,9,8,7, 10th place = 6pts.
Riders have to finish (pass the chequered flag) the race to qualify for points.
Riders must use their registered numbers (not applicable to non members).
Day numbers must be clear on all 3 sides of bike with any other numbers blocked from view..(failiure to do so will result in not being scored).
Only one bike can be used per race.
Starting in a wrong class will result in exclusion.
Riders must be in correct riding class for ability.
5 Wins in lower class and automatically promoted to next level. (Does not apply to Over 50 - Exp vets - Youth or Ladies).
1 Championship only as a NOVICE.
Course cutting will be monitored even stricter this year with even a corner cut short being punished.
All riders to wear wear the event band on their wrist..NOT ON THE BIKE!!!
2024 will see a big clamp down on litter...unless bins are provided TAKE YOUR LITTER HOME with you! Regular digital images of the parking areas will be taken so we know who was parked where! Its only a small minority that leave their crap ..we are watching!
By entering any area under the control of WOR Events (whether you are riding or not) you are giving permission to be filmed and agree to be under the control of our remote pilot (drone).
Racing rules
Strictly No refuelling with engine running.
Head Cams are allowed and are worn at the riders risk of injury to themselves or others.
Strictly no tear off's on goggles only roll system allowed.
Fuelling is only allowed in the fuel area.
It is the rider’s responsibility to produce a well maintained and safe machine for use in the events.
Random noise tests may take place.94db limit
Only 1 pit crew per rider is allowed in pit area to service rider.
The red flagged area means walking pace, fuel area / lap scoring etc.
Overtaking in lap scoring lane is strictly prohibited.
All riders MUST stop at lap scoring. MIN 2 SECONDS
Bikes MUST have clear race numbers on ALL THREE sides of machine.
All riders must have the minimum of Helmet, Boots, & Goggles.
Helmets MUST be fastened at ALL times and be in good condition and under 3 years old.
Only 1 bike is permitted per rider/per race.
ALL Riders must sign on before competing.
Course cutting is strictly not allowed unless instructed by an official member of WOR race staff.
Riding through the course markings, i.e. stakes and tape is INSTANT exclusion.
Do not EVER travel against oncoming traffic in ANY event.
Noisy bikes will not be tolerated.
Noisy bikes will not be allowed to start and will receive NO refund.
Noisy bikes that become noisy within the race duration will be removed from the track. (i.e... lost silencer at 1 hour mark etc!)
94db is maximum noise level. It is rider responsibility to maintain and silence his/her exhaust levels.
Abusive behaviour to other riders or officials is strictly prohibited and will result in exclusion from the race/series.
Faster riders must NOT shout or beep horns etc to pass slower riders as this causes accidents and rider intimidation.
Pit crew's rider supporters MUST keep away from the lap scoring area at all times, Rider will be excluded if there are persistent offenders.
Riders must be fully covered by race shirt/coat/pants /gloves etc..IE No sleeves rolled up.
Failure to comply means exclusion.
Outside of the racing
Strictly No riding in paddock and parking fields.
Do not leave any litter behind, this will be strictly monitored.
You must always park your vehicles where an official has asked you to.
Do not start bike engine until 9.15am at the earliest UNLESS AUTHORISED BY WOR STAFF.
Please book in prior to the race or red via website as that way we have all your info and it helps minimise paperwork at signing on.
A NORA day or full licence is required for ANY WOR Event and is obtainable from event control/sign on.
Always check that overnight camping is available before setting off.
Dogs must be on a leash at ALL times at an event venue.
Children under 10 must be supervised by an adult at all times at an event.
Abuse to any official or marshal will result in disqualification and removal from all results.
Fighting or threatening behaviour in ANY form towards fellow competitors/officals/ or anybody else will result in a ban and removal from the event/s
No camp fires at ANY event unless authorised by WOR Events.
Pitbikes / Kids quads / electric bikes etc are not allowed to be used to get around the paddock.